I know it has been forever, but I just haven't honestly had the desire to write until now...
We have been in school for 30 days and things are going better then ever. One of the big pluses has been Jay's ability to focus, communicate, and stay on task. Our OT and ST expressed concern in the summer about his attention and we began to look into the ways we could help him. For those who do not know me, I have never wanted to put Jay on medicine. Not because I have a problem with it, but because I have never thought he needed it. Some of my close friends have had to, and I say "bravo!" Thank God He has helped scientists to discover ways to help kids who need a little help!
With all that being said, I have become very careful about what I give my kids medicine and food wise. I try to only offer organic, natural food to my family. I am so grateful that the nurse practitioner that we have been seeing suggested that we try the natural route of giving Jay herbs to see if that would help with his attention problems. We agreed readily, knowing it may not work and we may still need to turn to medicine.
He has been taking rhodiola and bacopa for about 3 weeks and I am amazed! I could tell a difference the first day! He was looking me in the eyes and answering questions the FIRST time I asked him. He was able to focus more on his school work and get more done. AND, his creativity has exploded!!! Jay has always been very creative with making up story lines for movies and drawing storyboards. However, those abilities seemed to soar!
The thing I liked most was that JAY IS STILL JAY. I was afraid of medicine changing Jay's personality. No way! He is still quirky and funny and so so happy. I love him just the way he is! He has just emerged out of his shell even more!
Also, THIS IS NOT A CURE! I think too many people want to cure autism. NO, Jay would not be Jay without it. More than ever I am convinced that autism is not only a difficult journey for our family, but a BLESSING!
I felt so inspired to write this morning when we started studying about felines in our science book. The text was describing all of the amazing gifts, instincts, and talents of cats. One of the things they have is a very heightened sense of hearing. They can hear the tiniest mouse squeak and the footsteps of tiny rodents underground! I had the thought, "WOW! That is like having a SUPERPOWER!" The next thought to hit me was, "Lucy Kate also has VERY sensitive hearing! Her ears are the very reason I have to spend every praise and worship service at church in the back nursery. Her hearing is the reason I can't just go into Walmart whenever I want. Her heightened sense of hearing is the reason we have had to leave fun and exciting events earlier than expected. But, SHE HAS A SUPERPOWER!"
God began to talk to me about seeing this as a blessing instead of a curse. It is something that I have to lean on Him for the strength to deal with. Something that has caused me to have more patience, contentment, and compassion in my life.
God doesn't make mistakes. I will never forget one morning after home school with Lucy when this house was still Mom's and Dad's. I came upstairs to have coffee and a chat with Dad, something that had become our daily ritual. I am SOOOO grateful for that time! We were talking about Lucy Kate's sensitive ears, and he began to apologize to me. "She got it from me! I am so sorry. I have very senstive ears! I can stand outside, hear the birds singing in our yard and identify them. Some sounds really bother me." I told Dad to not apologize!!! I wish I could tell him that he passed down so MANY wonderful things to us... even SUPERPOWERS! Thank You God, for choosing us to walk this path of righteousness for your namesake. And thank you Dad... for everything.